Third-party integrations

There’s a good chance that you’ll need to integrate your site with third-party tools: send constituent data to your CRM, integrate with donation platforms or host a custom database are common examples. All of this is possible in a Blueprint project.

The ICPD+25 commitments database website, for example, pulls content from Google Sheets.


Blueprint infographics strike the right balance between presenting information visually and letting you explain more with words.

You can find infographic examples in the Bonn Challenge and Injusta Justicia websites, both of which use Blueprint.

Multiple blog sections

You may need to have more than one blog or news section. For example, one for long-form articles your organization writes, another one to publish news related to policy changes, and a third one for event announcements.

We can split your blog by post type tag and present it to visitors as multiple sections. As an editor, you’ll still create a blog post every time, and just select the post type to select the section in which it will appear.

Multiple resource sections

You may need to have more than one section in your resource center. For example, one for publications, another one for volunteer guides, and a third one for policy analysis reports.

Custom tagging

By default, the blog and resource center have tagging by type and topic, but you may need additional tagging abilities. We can add special tagging vocabularies so you can categorize (and your visitors search) content in the blog, resource center and/or custom collections.

For an example of custom tagging in action, visit the UPR Database.

Custom collections

Some projects require a custom database of content that doesn’t fit neatly in the blog or resource center. For example, you may need a database that users filter using specific criteria or store GIS data and present it on maps.

We can add content types for any kind of file and metadata you need, and build filtering or search interfaces so your visitors can get to the content they care about.

For an example of a custom collection, visit the ICPD+25 commitments database.


Drupal the content management system behind Blueprint is extremely flexible so, if you have other content flows or structures in mind, get in touch with us.

We can help you find out if Blueprint is a good fit for your project, and promise to be open and tell you right away if it’s not.